Woman in Love

​*The voice of a woman in love*

I loved him like my own. 

So I gave him my all.

We loved each other. He treated me right so did I. Of course the highs were wonderful_like floating through the world in an unburstable bubble. 

He made me act like a wife at a very young age. I was okay with it because I wanted him to make me happy. But if you can’t find happiness on your own,if you have all day to mull over and resolve your neuroses, if you can’t deal with yourself_how would anybody else?
I had it all_good looks, I was educated, I had my own hustle and many men were after me.

So I thought I’d keep him. But there’s no way to keep a man. If he wants to stay, he’ll keep you. It takes a lot more than just looks for a man to treat you right.
Then things changed. 

We didn’t spend much time together, he was busy, he was always tired and I thought I was pressuring him.

I never knew where my mistake was.

To him, it was obvious that I was desperate and couldn’t leave. 

The next surprise was flirting text messages from his “bestfriends“.

Was I supposed to leave or fight for the love I thought we had?

Was I expected to go for a war with someone who never even laced their boots?
A man cannot be too busy for a woman he adores. It takes a minute to send a text message. If he can’t sacrifice it now, what makes you think he’ll ever sacrifice anything for you.

If he can’t flirt with you now it doesn’t make sense. He’ll still cheat on you someday and ask for forgiveness. 

It will heart you, kill you and destroy you.

So if he’s not doing it right tell him. If he won’t change leave him. 

Be bold, be free!

The voice of a woman in love.

You have a voice.


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